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Saturday, March 26, 2011

confusion loves best trickery

Empty inside, too much pride
Thought a new love would heal, because the last lover failed
But I still have this ache, can't seem to get it to go away
Closing my eyes, I think what a foolish lie, I tell to myself each day
Claiming to be happy when I know I'm not OK
If he could just forgive, if I could just forget
But things aren't as simple as I would like to think
He captured apart of me that I thought I had hidden
And now I feel as if it has been taken, not given
They say I'm lucky, I found someone new
But this "new" is not you, and so I continue to be confused
Yearning to feel that certain something
Don't know what it is, that's why I'm hurting
What was it that was so special about you
Everything I did was wrong to you
I cried, and hurt, and fought with you
So why is it that I'm still in love with you?